The Model API =============== Defining a Model ----------------- A ``Model`` describes a single table inside DynamoDB. Its instances describe records from this table. As mentioned in PynamoDB's documentation, The most powerful feature of PynamoDB is the ``Model`` API. You start using it by defining a model class that inherits from ``flask_pynamo.PynamoDB.Model``. Then, you add attributes to the model that inherit from ``pynamodb.attributes.Attribute``. .. code-block:: python from pynamodb.attributes import UnicodeAttribute, BooleanAttribute class Todo(db.Model): class Meta: table_name = "todo" id = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True) name = UnicodeAttribute() description = UnicodeAttribute() done = BooleanAttribute(defult=False) All DynamoDB tables have a hash key, and you must specify which attribute is the hash key for each ``Model`` you define. Creating New Items ------------------ For creating the table, use ``Model.create_table`` class method. In our case, we should use ``Todo.create_table``. To create a new record in the table, create a new instance, and call to the ``save`` method. The first two positional arguments are the ``hash_key`` and the ``range_key``. .. code-block:: python from uuid import uuid4 todo = Todo(str(uuid4()), name="my todo", description="my first todo!") Getting Existing Items ----------------------- To retrieve an existing item in your table, you can do that with ``get``. If the item does not exist, ``Todo.DoesNotExist`` will be raised. .. code-block:: python todo = Todo.get('my_todo_id') You can also use ``get_or_404``, so if the item does not exist the function will call to ``abort(404)``. In addition, you can use ``first_or_404`` to get the first item from the table. If the table is empty, it function will call to ``abort(404)``.